Friday, October 9, 2015

How To Really Clean Your Breast Pump In 10 Simple Steps

I'm a stickler for sanitary, especially when it comes to my baby, and have struggled with getting my Medela breast pump pieces clean. I wash them of course, sometimes 3 times a day! After using them for a couple of months, though, I realized they were starting to smell like feet after a long hike in old shoes with no socks - and well that just can't be sanitary. I use my Medela sterilizing bags frequently but even still, after awhile it got to the point where I could actually see old breast milk residue in the hard to reach spaces within the pump and that's just [for lack of a better word] YUCK.  I considered bleach but that didn't sit well with me, even with a thorough rinse, I still felt like I could be endangering the babe. So I've opted for something else completely safe - Isopropyl Alcohol - no really...ok maybe not that much safer than bleach but with a thorough rinse anything is possible right? Right. 

So here's how to clean your breast pump (like you may have cleaned some other things in college - we won't mention what and if you don't know, don't worry about it.) Since I can't stand life stories before How To's I'll get right into it. 

You will need:
1 functioning nose - all mom's have these
1 toothbrush you don't intend to use on your teeth
1 large bowl
epsom salts 
isopropyl alcohol
hot water
place for everything to air dry (I love my boon drying grass)

Step 1.
Sniff Test
Smell your breast pump - if it reminds you of feet - it's time to get serious.
my morning hair for added authenticity 
Step 2.
Dismantle your pump
There should be 4 pieces per side: Breast shield, valve, membrane & connector. 
*There's also the bottles into which you pump, but those are pretty easy to clean and sterilize* If not - throw them into the mix too! Can't hurt. 

Step 3.
Wash each piece with soap and water per the usj then set on drying area to dry while you get everything else assembled.

Step 4.
Pour a small amount of the epsom salt into each piece - I pour salt into both sides of connector. 

Step 5.
Add a splash of the Isopropyl alcohol to each piece like you did the salt

Step 6. 
Now swirl your mixture about & use your tooth free toothbrush to work in all the crevices and small spaces of each unit; specifically the connectors and valves. 

Step 7. 
Throw all pieces into your large bowl and let sit for a minute or two while you prep your hot water.
Step 8.
Add your hot water to the bowl, maybe 2 or 3 cups, just enough to mildly cover your pieces. Fill your bottles with a small amount of the mixture and allow everything to sit for about 10 minutes. 

Step 9.
Turn that hot water back on and rinse everything throughly. This is when mom nose comes in real handy as you'll want to make sure the smell of the alcohol is long gone. 

Step 10.
Throw everything onto your drying area and allow to drip dry.

Now you have clean and fresh smelling pieces of breast pump ready for you to reassemble, plug in, and viciously pull at your nips for another 15 minutes!

A couple of things to remember: 
1 - make sure you do this during babies nap time as the smell of the alcohol is so strong it actually burns your throat. You don't want that near babe 
2 - nothing about this is scientific. I don't measure anything. It's a simple process, no need to complicate it!
3 - you may notice my stemless wine glasses hiding in the last photo. Boon Grass is also a great place to dry your wine glasses and I really don't think that's an accident. BONUS!

Happy clean and fresh pumping!!

...and her life was Simply wonderful
You're welcome,
